What comes to mind when you think of feng shui?
Bed positioning? The Chinese money frog? A bunch of hippy-dippy woo-woo nonsense? (Hopefully not!)
In this post I’m going to address some feng shui misconceptions to help give you a better understanding of what it’s really all about!
Feng Shui Misconceptions
Misconception 1:
The first misconception is one that is very common. So common that when I first discovered feng shui many many years ago I thought this was all it was.
Arranging furniture for a better flow.
Now, at the most basic level, one way to improve the energy in your home is through correct furniture placement, however many people think this is where it stops. If you’ve never heard of Flying Star feng shui (Xuan Kong Fei Xin) before, allow me to enlighten you.
Flying Star feng shui is the most advanced and accurate form of feng shui and has nothing to do with furniture whatsoever! Rather, it uses a mathematical system and compass directions to work out where positive and negative energies (stars), are located in your home or business. These stars have a direct effect on your prosperity, much more so than furniture arrangement, and any undesirable stars are neutralised with remedies based on the five elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.
Consultants who practice this type of feng shui undertake years of study to become qualified, and like in any profession there is always more to be learnt!
Misconception 2:
The second misconception is that feng shui is superstition and that the recommendations are no more than old wives tales.
This could not be further from the truth – feng shui is a centuries old art and science. The ancient Chinese observed and utilized the forces of nature in order to survive. Their profound knowledge of our relationship with the environment and the flow of energy were used not only in feng shui, but also in also traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and martial arts; and thousands of years later it is still used in the same way.
Feng shui is based on the Chinese concept of Qi (or Chi). Qi refers to ‘vital energy‘, and according to this concept everything in the universe (from physical objects that you can see and touch, to thoughts and emotions), is connected and made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies – a manifestation of Qi. This theory is even supported by modern science today! Quantum physics says that the atom – the building block of matter – is a vortex of vibrating, radiating energy. Energy is Qi, and Qi is energy.
Misconception 3:
The third misconception is that feng shui is religious and you cannot practice feng shui if you are of a different religion.
Yes, Taoism is at the root of feng shui, but feng shui is not Taoism. There is no worshiping deities, no prayers or other religious practices involved. Feng shui draws on the same principle of universal energy but works by following a mathematical model and formulas to calculate energy patterns within the home and environment. Therefore, as I mentioned it’s also a science. An applied science that gives you tools to benefit your life through an understanding of the workings of the natural environment.
Misconception 4:
This brings me to my final misconception. Many people are reluctant to use feng shui because they think it requires redecorating their house to look like a Chinese souvenir shop! Let me tell you, it’s quite possible to feng shui a house without using any Chinese trinkets or symbols whatsoever, and in fact, you shouldn’t even be able to tell that a house has used feng shui if it has been done well!
Many of the Chinese trinkets marketed as feng shui remedies are simply marketing ploys. Feng shui remedies are based on the five elements as well as symbolism, and most of the time items that you already have in your home can be used as feng shui remedies. Often these remedies will work better because you’re more likely to have stronger connections to them!
The truth is that unless you have a deep connection with/understand the symbolism of/or have a strong belief in the power of a Chinese trinket, then it’s very unlikely to work for you.
In fact, it might even do more harm than good!
For example, constantly cringing at the sight of a fat, golden Buddha garishly plonked between your woven seagrass basket and whitewashed-framed coral print every time you walk through your coastal-style entryway is more likely to evoke negative emotions and therefore negative energy instead!
Hopefully this has helped to de-mystify feng shui a little for you, but if you have any other feng shui misconceptions or questions that you’d like me to address, feel free to drop me a line!
Jem xx